Various things from Brent Brown, if you just want graphics, visit
Various things from Brent Brown, if you just want graphics, visit

As Seen on TV

If you are viewing the 11:00 pm local news tonight, please be on the lookout for a story I was fortunately asked to be a part of. David Cohen (political cartoonist for the Asheville Citizen-Times) and Randy Molton (political cartoonist for the Asheville alt-weekly paper, The Mountain Xpress) and I were interviewed by WLOS-TV News13 reporter, Caitlyn Penter about drawing cartoons in the current political climate, as well as doing cartoons regarding the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; and the overall circular nature of the cartoons about seemingly-neverchanging local issues.

Here is Caitlyn’s teaser tweet:

Cartoon Caitlyn I drew for use at the end of the televised report.
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WLOS News 13 report on Asheville area Cartoonists. November 2021.

For my previous appearances on local news, see the following reports:

WLOS News 13 story about Brent Brown Action Figure Snow Photography. February 2016.

Photographer focuses on toy action figures when it snows..

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Carolina Moment: Brent Brown – WLOS News 13, November 2015.

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Carolina Moment: Brent Brown – WLOS News 13, November 2015.

News interview with Brent Brown – WLOS News 13, February 2015.

WLOS New13 report on Charlie Hebdo bombing in February 2015.

Brent Brown Joker costume at office party. October 1988, News13 WLOS-TV.

October 1988 WLOS News 13 story on office Halloween Party.