Various things from Brent Brown, if you just want graphics, visit
Various things from Brent Brown, if you just want graphics, visit

Drawlloween and October Coronacatures

For the first time since beginning to participate, I did not fully participate in either Drawlloween OR Inktober this year. I also did not draw every day of the now so-called “Daily Coronacature” on Facebook. However, when I did participate, I sometimes tried to combine both the day’s Drawlloween prompt with the subject of the Daily caricature challenge. So here are the few times I participated in both challenges, or just the Drawlloween about three of the times:

Collage of my Drawlloween/Daily Coronacature challenge illustrations for 2020. Caricatures shown are of: Elvira, Terry Crews, Eva Longoria and two different ages of Groucho Marx. The other three were not combined with celebrity caricatures, and were just the prompts given for Drawlloween on those days.