Various things from Brent Brown, if you just want graphics, visit
Various things from Brent Brown, if you just want graphics, visit

May Coronacatures

Keeping up with my participation in the Daily Coronacature challenge of drawing a given celebrity as a caricature. I participated in a few of the prompts, collected below in the collage (and The Ghostbusters separate because an odd number would not fit with the rest).

Top Row: Emily Blunt; Gene Wilder; Jimi Hendrix (special Guest, Prince); Danny Trejo. Bottom Row: Debbie Harry from Blondie; Michael Jordan; Sean Connery on Celebrity Jeopardy; Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwartzenegger.

Below, is the group caricature I did of The Ghostbusters:

From left to right: Ernie Hudson (Winston Zeddimore); Dan Aykroyd (Ray Stantz); Bill Murray (Peter Venkman); Harold Ramis (Egon Spengler). ©2020 Brent Brown Graphix